Annual Report

Rapport Annuel 2021 ang

Annual Report 2017
2017 like the previous years, beginning in 2015, did not favour the growth of economic activity in our country. From a security perspective, the secessionist tendencies in the North West and South West Regions, incursions by Central African armed groups in the East, sporadic attacks by the Boko Haram Islamic sect have remained a major preoccupation to the authorities. At the…

Annual Report 2016
The global economic context proved to be more hostile in 2016 compared to 2015. The central African region was particularly affected with a growth of -0.7%. With regards to Cameroon, this situation exacerbated by the continuous decline in oil prices and the persistence of security challenges led to a fall in the GDP from 5.8% to 4.5% in 2016.